Cúpla amhrán de chuid Chaoimhe

Cúpla Comhrá


Now You’re Talking: an online course that uses video, text and soundfiles.

Easy Irish: an excellent, free, online course that uses soundfiles as learning tools.

Podcast Gaeilge: excellent, free podcast courses.

Duolingo: Extensive, free, online Irish-language courses. Practice listening and writing skills. Listening drills are in standard Irish and not in Ulster Gaelic.

BBC Gaeilge: TV, radio, podcasts, online content and learning tools from the BBC, all as Gaeilge!

Abair: an online, audio-driven, Irish word pronunciation tool. All dialects covered, including Ulster Gaelic!

Teanglann: Most comprehensive online collection of all available Irish/English dictionaries in existence. Teanglann also contains a very useful grammar resource as well as a sound-driven pronunciation tool.

Focloir: Excellent English to Irish dictionary from Foras na Gaeilge. Ability to click on words to hear how they re pronounced in the various dialects, including Ulster Gaelic.

Tearma: Vocabulary for new words in Irish or technical words that are not covered by the older dictionaries.

Irish Language Links: A list of links to other useful, online Irish language resources useful to learners.